Monday, December 20, 2004


interesting article. apparently there was this young black dude who came up with the first circuit diagrams for the 4004 (to the uninitiated, this was the father of a computer on a chip or processor as we call it now). below is a link to an interview of his.

watched 2 more kurosawa movies as i promised myself. worth the time and the 5 dollars spent on rentals. watched sanjuro and hidden fortress. the first one is almost a sequel to yojimbo and is a non-subtle kurosawa. hidden fortress is almost an indian movie of the 60s. minus the songs. i recall watching at least 1 or 2 tamil movies with a similar storyline and feel to it.

a friend of mine in penn state told me something interesting. penn state has requested all its students to stop using IE and switch to firefox. the fox is after the microsoft sheep. so go get firefox.

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

hmmm....i think i remember you talking about his "sweet tooth" earlier (-: is it the same woman still???