Wednesday, February 16, 2005

we talk

was in orlando for a conference. ASHRAE to be specific. stayed in a nice hotel inside Disney downtown on taxpayer money. sweet.
the conference was a multi-session one. meaning there are more than one session going on at the same time. so you pick and choose what you want to hear and attend. Talks that are about 15 minutes long summarizing years of work (-:
I got into this discussion with one other attendee (student) about the volume of research presented and who if anyone benefits from getting so many speakers together in one place. Its sad but true that most people speak/write/perform without anyone listening/reading/watching. Take this blog for example. Or any blog for that matter. What is the idea behind blogging. Something for me to read and remember 20/30/50 years from now? Or is it communication to people whom i know? I dont know. I do it cause its a good thing to do. Or so says the evil empire and its minions. There has to be a better way to communicate than one-sided speaking/writing. or is there? I dont know and i am dead tired. I go and dutifully hit the sack in 2 minutes.

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

hehe. it took me some time to understand your reply. i do know 3 people who check this regularly. one of whom is responsible for me keeping my language somewhat clean! i meant to comment on the whole idea of posting inane thoughts and ideas online. such a thing would have been unthinkable some years back (-: we seem to be gravitating towards a world where each person forms and shouts out his views...however insane.